Index of buttons and functions

We are working on updating the manuals.

This part of the ScoreCloud Manual lists the features and menu items in the ScoreCloud program for Windows and Mac.

You can search on this page using the browser’s search function, mac:⌘F win:Ctrl+F

Program Interface

ScoreCloud Studio - Window


ScoreCloud Studio Toolbar


mac:space win:space

Start playback from the beginning of the score or from the a selected position in the score. Click between the notes in the score to select a beat as a starting point for playback.


mac:⌘D win:Ctrl+D

Record one or several new voices using your Midi instrument or the On-Screen-Piano (⌘K). Play along with the music in the score after the two bar count in. Finish your overdub recording with the space key and the new voice(s) will be added to a new part.


mac:⌘⏎ win:Ctrl+Return

Replace the selected region in the score. Choose voices to be replaced with the Voices/Mixer tool. In the Mixer tab each voice can be enabled for recording with the R-button.


Use Click to hear the pulse with the Playback. A click can often be good to hear when using the Overdub tool to record a new voice, or when replacing selected regions in the score.


mac:⌥⌘P win:Ctrl+Alt+P

Edit ScoreCloud’s interpretation of the pickup and move all following notes left or right while the barlines remain where they are. You can also ⌥-drag the barline. This tool allows you to choose if you want to hide initial rests.


mac:⌥⌘T win:Ctrl+Alt+T

This tool allows you to:

  • Edit number of beats in the time signature, e.g. from 3/4 to 4/4
  • Edit beaming, i.e. editing how big each pulse group should be, e.g. from 2/4 to 2/2
  • Edit notevalues, halve or double all the notvalues in the score
  • Toggle between swing notation and notated triplets
  • Show triple time or duple time, i.e. converting the score from 6/8 to 2/4 with triplets or vice versa


mac:⌥⌘K win:Ctrl+Alt+K

With this tool you can:

  • Change key signature without changing the notated pitch
  • Transpose, i.e. changing key signature and moving the notes accordingly
  • Traspose diatonically, i.e. moving all the notes within the scale without changing the key signature

Normal Mode

mac:ESC win:ESC

The mode where most edits are made. Click and drag objects in the score. Use the Actions Panel to the right to make changes, or right click the objects to edit and insert objects.

Manual Input Mode

mac:⌥⌘M win:Alt+M

Type or edit the score by:

  • Dragging notes from the palette to the score
  • Typing note by note on the computer keyboard
  • Selecting a beat and playing the music one beat at a time on your midi keyboard or the on-screen piano

Voices/Mixer Mode

mac:⌥⌘V win:Alt+V

Voices Tab

This tool allows you to edit ScoreCloud’s voice separation:

  • Show/Hide voices
  • Merge voices
  • Edit voice placement in the staff

Mixer Tab

This tool allows you to edit

  • Change the MIDI sound and playback volume of each voice
  • Change accompaniment style and volume

Lyrics Mode

mac:L win:L

Type lyrics into the grey boxes in the score using your computer keyboard. Read more in the help panel.

Chords Mode

mac:C win:C

Type chords into the grey boxes in the score using your computer keyboard. Read more in the help panel.

Add More

Select an object in the score, and use this tool to add any of the following:

Text block

A free floating box of text. Type the text into the box using your computer keyboard. Move the text block and change its size by dragging the boundaries.

Music text

Text attached to a score object. Select a note or a region in the score to add music text to it.


Select a note or a region in the score and press the S key to add a slur.


Select a note or a region in the score and < or > to add hairpins.


Select a note or a region in the score and press the D key to add dynamics.

Piano/Harp Pedal Mark

Select a note or a region in the score and press the P key to add pedal marks.

Rehearsal Mark

Select a note or a region in the score and press the R key to add rehearsal marks.


Add Segno or Coda

Tempo Mark

Add tempo change mark.

Empty measures

Select a barline to mark where you want to add empty measures. Click in the score where you want to enter notes and play the notes and rhythm on the MIDI keyboard in any tempo. This way you can type music one beat at a time.

Empty Staff

Add an empty staff (instrument) and edit information in the actions panel. Click in the score where you want to enter notes and play the notes and rhythm on the MIDI keyboard in any tempo. This way you can type music one beat at a time.

Part Group/Bracket

Select staves and add a bracket to group parts

Drum Staff

Add a drum staff.

Magic Wand

Automatically add chord symbols or repeat signs

Page View

Break the score into pages, just like when printing

 mac:⌘E win:Ctrl+E

Roll View

Show the score in a single staff system

 mac:⌘E win:Ctrl+E

Left Sidebar

ScoreCloud Studio - Left Sidebar

Open Songs

Songs currently open in the program. The song icon indicates whether it is saved in the cloud or locally, and is greyed out if the song has unsaved changes.

Double click a song to open it in a new floating window.


Snippets recorded in the listener, using audio or MIDI keyboard.

Cloud Songs

All songs saved on your cloud account. Synced live with songs recorded in ScoreCloud Express.

Use drop down menu to choose between Song Collections (collections are managed on and to search for song names.

Click the user icon to manage account, sync, subscription and public profile.

User and Subscription Status

Your subscription level (FREE, PLUS or PRO), and your user Display Name.

Click to manage account, sync, subscription and public profile.


ScoreCloud Studio - Score

This is your score. Click objects to select them, or drag a selection box to select an area. Click and drag, double-click and right click objects to edit them.

Actions Panel

ScoreCloud Studio - Actions Panel

The top right Actions Panel shows actions on the selected score object. For example page margins, part name and playback instrument, note accidentals and beat rhythm can be changed here. Click an object  in the score to see what actions can be taken on that object.

Help Panel

ScoreCloud Studio - Help Panel

The bottom right Help Panel gives you contextual help on the selected score object. For example how to extend your score, how to write notes manually, how to change a note, and various hotkeys are shown here. Click an object  in the score to see hints on how to interact with that object.

Status Bar

ScoreCloud Studio - Status Bar

Score / Chord Sheet

Choose between viewing the score and viewing a chord sheet of the song chord symbols.

Score Zoom Level

mac:⌘ +Scroll-wheel win:Ctrl+Scroll-wheel

Choose the zoom level of the score, or have it fit to the width or height of the paper.

Page Select

Jump to a specific page in the score.

Paper Size

Choose the paper size and orientation of your score, as well as page numbers and name in the footer.


The key of your song.

Metrical / Non-metrical

Toggle between metrical (the song having a time signature) or non-metrical (free tempo). Non-metrical hides all time signature changes and allows you to notate free tempo songs where you need a custom time signature per measure.

Share Buttons

My ScoreCloud

Opens your song on My ScoreCloud in your browser. From there you can set custom viewing permissions, add the song to a collection and share it online.

Twitter, Facebook & Email

Share your song on Twitter, Facebook or via Email. A link to the song on My ScoreCloud is sent, and the viewer can see and listen to the song in their browser.


About the listener, coming soon…