ScoreCloud Songwriter

Sing and Play straight to Lead Sheet

Download ScoreCloud Songwriter

Sing and play into a single mic to get a lead sheet, with lyrics & chords!

Record, open audio files, or import directly from YouTube!

Download ScoreCloud Songwriter for Mac
Download ScoreCloud Songwriter for Windows

Try 3 songs for free, no credit card required!

Jill Palmer

Songwriter & Teacher

It’s like a dream come true, ScoreCloud is so incredible!

For me as a composer, when I need to send a song to another musician, I use ScoreCloud Songwriter to create that.

I Googled my biggest dream: “Is it possible to sing directly into the computer and have a score come out?”, I thought I would never find something. And then boom, there it was, Songwriter.

Anita Mariani

Music Therapist

ScoreCloud Songwriter is very user friendly!

Not having a lot of experience with computer scoring, being able to start using it in minutes. That speaks volumes.

The fact that I can actually record a basic melody and then just add in different chords, and I can easily transpose it too if I want to.

Susan Mohini Kane

Singer & Songwriter

You can play it in and have the score come out!

I’m excited about it. I think it’s wonderful that this is possible at all. I have told everybody I know about ScoreCloud Songwriter!

I was looking for the easiest way to make a lead sheet. I tried five different apps, but when I started ScoreCloud it was good! That’s the best thing about ScoreCloud Songwriter!

Donna Robinson

Songwriter & Drummer

It’s like a miracle!

I’ve called up several friends and said, “Hey, you got to try this! You won’t believe it, you can play a song into this thing and ScoreCloud Songwriter spits out your lead sheets and chord charts, It’s unbelievable!

When I started, I would spend hours writing lead sheets and charts by hand. Everybody that has been through my experience with music thinks this is fantastic.

YouTube player

Watch Sven record audio and get an instant lead sheet – with the laptop on the piano!

“ScoreCloud Songwriter is an amazing technology! It’s making it so much easier.”
– Julia, Singer-songwriter

YouTube player

Understand the program better with our Video Tutorials!

How does it work?

Record your singing with an instrument into ScoreCloud Songwriter using a single microphone. A combination of AI methods separates the audio, analyzes the music, transcribes the lyrics, and combines the result into a lead sheet with melody notation, lyrics and chord symbols. You can listen to your separated vocals and choose from different accompaniments and drum patterns.